01491 525637

Our local charity – Bridging the Gaps in the Goring Gap community by providing support, companionship, activities and information on living well.

Please ‘Help The Hub’ to Help our Community!

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This is a critically important time for our community, and for the development of The Hub. With many local residents (particularly the older and vulnerable in our community) facing the challenges of the cost-of-living crisis, and still reeling from the Covid pandemic, demand for The Hub’s services continues to rise.

We also have exciting plans for additional services to meet more of our community’s needs during 2024.

However, we too are faced with rising costs to run the charity, and reduced income from grants – on top of this increased demand for our services – so we are appealing for your urgent support to help us to help our community.

Only with your support will we be able to bridge the growing gaps in our local society.

It will cost around £65,000 to run The Hub this year – just over £5,000 per month – and we are hoping this appeal to our public and local businesses will raise half of this amount.

Your support is vital to ensure we can continue to help people like Sarah* (name changed for privacy).

Sarah* was going through a difficult time with her finances and called The Hub when she had just 37p left in the world. The Hub provided a foodbank referral, help with benefits and a referral to a charity that helps with debts, enabling her to get back on track. She said,
“I literally didn’t know where my next meal was coming from – thank you for all your help.”

Please join us in this important mission today!

Two ways to help

  1. Become a Friend. Please sign up, for free, as a Friend of The Hub, to demonstrate your support of our community. In exchange for your support, Friends of The Hub will receive certain benefits through the year, as well as the satisfaction of knowing you’re lending your support to your friends and neighbours. Download the form here and return it to The Hub.
  2. Donate to the ‘Help The Hub’ Appeal. We understand that times are tough, however if you are able to, please make a donation and return the form here to The Hub
£5 could pay for tea & biscuits for visitors
£25 could fund help applying for a blue badge
£95 could fund a specialist support session
£170 could run The Hub for a day

If your company or organisation could support this appeal – perhaps sponsoring The Hub for a week or a month – they would love to hear from you. You can do this anonymously, or large donations can be publicly recognised if preferred.

Five quick and easy ways to donate:

  1. Online donation: Donate online at JustGiving.com/campaign/HelpTheHub.
  2. Bank transfer: Please include code HTH23W and YOUR NAME in the reference.
    Account name: Q1 Foundation   Account no: 13213468   Sort code: 30-96-24.
  3. Cheque/postal order: Payable to Q1 Foundation please, with your name and address on reverse.
  4. Cash: Dropped to The Hub in a sealed envelope with your details. Do not put cash in the post.
  5. Credit/Debit Card: In-person card payments can be made at The Hub.

Whichever method you use, please return this form to The Hub so that your donation can be acknowledged, Gift Aid claimed if applicable, and, with your consent, we can keep you up to date on our progress.

You can email a completed version to info@q1foundation.org.uk, or post/drop it in to The Hub by Q1 Foundation, 8 The Arcade, High Street, Goring RG8 9AY.

Didn’t receive a copy of our Help The Hub letter through your door? Download your copy here.

Our Founder and Trustee, Melanie Meads, says,
These three years have shown there is a real and vital need for support like The Hub’s in our villages. We have created trusted relationships with some of the most vulnerable in our community, and have helped hundreds more of our neighbours. Now we need to move to the next stage our development to make sure we provide the right support for our community at this time of crisis. Whatever amount you can spare will be hugely appreciated, and mean we can be here for our community when they need us the most. Thank you in advance for donating, or becoming a Friend, to show you care about our community and your family and friends who live here.”
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